REGISTRATION OF SUPPLIER Registration of Supplier Step 1 of 3 33% Note1. This registration is being done without creating any obligation on the part of Baroda Equipment and Vessels Pvt. Ltd. (BEV, for short) to buy any product / service offered by the supplier. Whether this registration will result in a purchase depends on what products / services are required by BEV at a given time and technical suitability of the product / service offered by the supplier in response to BEV’s enquiry and how competitive the price and other terms quoted by the supplier are. 2. Please answer all questions pertinent to your product / service truthfully and completelySupplier Category* Indian Supplier Foreign Supplier Kindly indicate under which category you would like to be registered with BEV* Manufacturer Dealer / Stockist / Manufacturer's representative Subcontractor / Service Provider Supplier of manpower / Equipment on hire Part A: Company OverviewCompany Name*Type of Ownership* Sole Proprietorship Partnership Private Limited Company Public / Public Limited Company Registration NumbersGST No*Company Registration NumberPlease mention registration number issued by Registrar of Companies, if applicablePAN*MSME Yes No If your firm is registered under the MSME Act, 2006 amended in 2020, please select yes.Please enter Udyam / Udyog Aadhar Number*EPF No*ESIC NoLabour License No*Other DetailsBusiness Registration NumberLegal registration number for your business issued by a competent government authority in your countryRegistered Office Address*Mailing address for enquiries*Phone*Email* Website Paid up capitalCurrency*INRUSDEURGBPAUDAEDValue*Enter the Paid Up Capital of your firm hereTurnover for last yearCurrency*INRUSDEURGBPAUDAEDValue*Enter the last year's sales turnover here.Bank DetailsAccount Name*In which name is your bank account?Account Number*Bank Name*Name of your bank e.g., HDFC BankBank Address*IFSC*Your cheque leaf will show the bank's IFSC codeSWIFT*IBANIn some countries, banks have a IBAN code. Please provide if it is applicable in your countryOHS&EIs your Occupational Health & Safety Management System certified (like OHSAS 18001 / ISO 45001) Yes No Is your Environment Management System certified (like ISO 14001) Yes No Whom to contact to send an enquiry?*NameDivision (or kind of product / service)Position / DesignationContact numbers (preferably mobile numbers) Part B: Products & ServicesFor manufacturers and service providers only*Product (Briefly list the products and services you wish to be considered for. Provide product brochures / catalogues wherever you feel necessary)Is the product certified to any national / international standards (e.g., IS, BIS, UL, ASME etc.)? If yes, state which standard and provide evidence (do not write ISO 9000) For stockists / dealers only*Product (Briefly list the products and services you wish to be considered for. Provide product brochures / catalogues wherever you feel necessary)Manufacturer & Country of originIs it an exclusive dealership? For manpower / equipment hirers only*Category (trade)of manpower / type of equipment you offer on hire (mention only those equipment you actually own, or manpower under your direct employment)Capacity / SizeApprox quantity Part C: Quality specific questions(To be answered by all)It is BEV’s prerogative to conduct periodic audits / assessments of manufacturer's quality system and capabilities from time to time. Do you agree to provide all reasonable access and cooperation for BEV to carry out such audits / assessments?* Yes No Is your company's quality management system certified to any international standard (e.g., ISO 9000)?*If yes, please specify which standard and attach evidence; then you need not answer the remaining questions in this section Yes No Standard*To which standard is the quality system certified?Evidence*Max. file size: 256 MB.Does your company have a quality representative?*If yes, state his name & position in the company Yes No Name of the quality representative*Position of the quality representative*Who reviews the requirements of:Our enquiry against your capability?*Our Purchase / Work Order against what you have quoted?*Does the company have an established system for material traceability from raw materials through to finished products?* Yes No For any non conforming product supplied to BEV, will the company accept and implement agreed corrective / preventive action? Yes No Additional questions to be answered by Manpower / Equipment Hirers onlyAre all workmen offered on hire covered by Workmen Compensation insurance?* Yes No Are all equipment offered on hire covered by insurance?* Yes No Do you have arrangement for Transport for workmen from and to site?* Yes No Do you provide minimum PPE (safety shoes, safety helmets, safety goggles and coverall) to your workmen offered on hire?* Yes No Do you have in-house arrangements for servicing / trouble shooting of equipment on hire?* Yes No If you provide manpower / equipment on hire to BEV and if it is not meeting the requirement, will you arrange replacement expeditiously at no extra cost?* Yes No Additional requirements on subcontractors and service providers1. Corporate organisation chart showing key positions 2. Copy of self attested photo copy of PAN Card 3. List of projects done / works executed during the last 5 years 4. List of machinery, equipment, tools and tackles actually owned by you 5. Client testimonials or reference, if anyFile Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 256 MB. Company Authorised RepresentativeDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Name*Signature*Please upload your digital signature in jpeg formatAccepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 256 MB.UploadsISO 9001 (or equivalent)Max. file size: 256 MB.OHSAS 18001 (or equivalent)Max. file size: 256 MB.ISO 14001 (or equivalent)Max. file size: 256 MB.Company Profile (Not to exceed 5 MB)Max. file size: 5 MB.Company Brochure (Not to exceed 5 MB)Max. file size: 256 MB.Product Related Certifications Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 256 MB. Code of ConductI, hereby confirm that I have read and understood the BEV’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers and confirm that the Company I represent as authorized signatory undertakes to abide by the Code of Conduct in its entirety. I also confirm that my undertaking is legally binding on the Company and I am authorized to sign this undertaking on behalf of the Company.Please confirm that you have read and understood the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and agree to abide by it.* I confirm that I have read and understood the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and agree to abide by it. Please confirm that you have read and understood the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and agree to abide by it. Δ